I’m doing a 100 mini abstract landscape painting challenge where each day I’m painting abstract landscapes from reference images (unsplash/pexels) on mini canvas papers which I’m sharing on my Instagram daily as I paint. It is more like my personal art practice, because I want to get back to habit of painting daily and try something new. And this time it is abstracting the landscapes!
7 days are over and these are my practice pieces… not all of them made it to the top 7…. I practice a lot more than I share! Slowly getting back to the mode of painting for the sake of art rather than for social media… and I’m loving it!
I almost forgot what it felt like to JUST PAINT without the pressure… it is BLISS!
If you wana follow my challenge, join me on Instagram.
There is a small video at the end of this blog, that shows all the pieces in my studio.
day 3
The serenity and the calmness of the nature in this photograph drew me in to paint it!
I won’t say I’m very happy with the outcome, because I feel I could play around with the values a bit more, but my whole focus of this exercise is to practice – practising a lot of loose brushstrokes and mark making!
I’m thinking I’ll give it a try again after a month or so… when I’ve practiced a handful amount of paintings and gotten a grasp of abstract mark makings!
day 4
Today I chose some earthy colors to play around with… and so I chose a landscape image with muted earthy colors! It’s all the neutral colors from the tube – yellow ochre, raw umber, burnt sienna, Indian red and a touch of blue!
Loved doing the short strokes of the field, which is kind of similar to day 2 painting… again I’m not too happy with it but practising is the key here!
day 5
I don’t know why but I really enjoy painting coastal seascapes… I think it could be the fact that the land and the sea meets here!
This was a horizontal landscape image which I abstracted into a square painting! Im trying to figure out what I love painting the most – square, horizontal or vertical! I’m guessing this painting practice will show me the way into the future!
day 6
Ok I loved creating today’s #abstractlandscape ♥️ I loved the photograph and didn’t think it would turn out the way it did! The complementary color scheme helped creating the bright contrast but I wanted to keep it subtle and not too bright!
Overall after 6 days of practice I’m happy with what I created! I also understand that there will be happy days and also low days.. and this practice is just helping me stay focused!
Also not recording the process is creating less distraction, but this one I did 😉 Watch it here.
If you want to see the reference images for each of these abstract landscape paintings, visit my Instagram profile. I’ve added the reference images there with each day’s paintings!
This is how my studio space looks after a week of creating these mini abstract landscapes.
Some more images from behind-the-scenes