100 Days Of Abstract Landscapes #Week2

A quick summary of the last 7 days.. 14 days are up of my #100daysofabstractlandscapes challenge!

In case you are not aware, I started a 100 day challenge to practice painting landscapes in loose abstract style… because painting abstract isn’t my comfortable way of expressing the nature since I’ve painted realistic all my art career, but I’m determined to practice practice and practice until I get it!

So everyday I choose a landscape from pexel or Unsplash and try painting them in various styles… in search of finding my own style!

The journey is already feeling incredible… I practice more than just 7 in a week, because once I start painting I can’t stop!

It feels like investigating myself by delving inside my inner self and finding the brush strokes that brings out my own expression of the nature that my eyes translates to the mind!

Overall, abstracting is fun! What do you think?

If you wana follow my challenge, join me on Instagram.

day 8

I think painting realistic mountains are so much easier.. struggled with painting abstract mountains but happy I tried!

day 9

I love the colors in this landscape and felt drawn towards it even though I’m not truly fascinated by desert landscapes! It’s a new try – one I totally loved.

day 10

Ok abstracting pine trees is not as easy as I thought! I felt like giving up so many times in the middle of the painting.. yet I kept going! Damn, it’s so easy to paint realistic pine trees, and my mind was telling me like a hundred times “ditch abstracting, let’s paint realistic” and I had to talk back to it “no, we r going to abstract it”… and here it is!

Not bad for a first attempt, but I realise I need a lot more practising!

Damn u pines – I love u so much and yet I’m not able to abstract you! I think the problem lies in my thought process – I’m thinking it should look a certain way, when may be it shouldn’t! I’ll try again!


day 11

I can see I’m very comfortable painting mountains and cliffs. The only reason I can see is that may be I’ve painted them more, because I know the more u paint something better it gets into your muscle memory when u paint it next!

Or could it be the reason that cliffs and mountains require more of straight brush strokes than curvy! I should paint more mountains and find out!

Today I painted the Italian alps.

day 12

So tried painting mountains again! I can see my habit of going into detailing and then having to restrict myself…

But I thoroughly enjoyed painting these Canadian rockies and the wide road! One thing I’m trying to practice is not copy the same colors from the photographs and look at it with my own colors!

I need a lot of practice because I can clearly see practice is the only way out!

day 13

Well I love knife painting yet I don’t do them that often! So today I decided to give it a try and ended up creating the whole painting without touch a brush!

Mixing the sunset multi colors with knife is tricky, but then what good is practising if I’m not trying out something new everyday!

day 14

Another desert scene… There is so much beauty in a deserted scene, isn’t it?


My studio table after 2 weeks of creating mini abstract landscapes!

Thank you!

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