
Step By Step Paintings

In the “Step by Step Painting” category, we guide you through the artistic process, providing detailed and easy-to-follow instructions that will help you create stunning artwork from start to finish.

Here we break down complex painting techniques and subjects into manageable steps. Our articles provide comprehensive guidance, accompanied by visual aids, to ensure that artists of all levels can confidently embark on their artistic journey.

Bench on beach – Seascape painting in sketchbook

Seascape sketchbook painting 1 I love painting in sketchbooks because it just takes the pressure off of creating masterpieces. You are allowed to make mistakes inside the journal and you can paint freely.  In this blog, you can see my process of seascape sketchbook painting covering the whole 2 spreads. There is a process video …

Bench on beach – Seascape painting in sketchbook Read More »

easy spring landscape painting green field red poppy fence

Easy Spring Landscape Painting – Step by Step Tutorial

Continuing with the previous step, I added a bit more of the hooker’s green in the bottom left corner, still blending it in with the background colors. Then I switched back to my filbert brush to create the highlight of this spring landscape painting – the fences crossing each other. Add tiny bit of burnt umber with a lot of white to create this color and then with just a few strokes create the 2 big fences outline. Don’t get into any detailing at this step. Just focus on creating the straight lines now, and later we will get into the details.

Soulmates – Easy couple acrylic painting

Start with red on the right of the couple acrylic painting outline. I mixed a little white to make it pinkish towards the bottom. And then add some yellow. This painting is all about blending in colors with each other. So remember when blending colors of the same family, you dont have to wash the brush, simply wipe it off on a paper towel. But while mixing warm and cool colors, it is necessary to wash off the brush not to create mud.

How to paint an abstract landscape from a photograph – Flower field & mountains

How to paint an abstract landscape from a photograph – Flower field & mountains. In this article, I’m sharing the step by step images of how I create this abstract landscape painting of a distant mountain and a flower field in the foreground, in a loose impressionist style.

It isn’t that simple to describe the steps while painting abstract because you go over the same place multiple times and build layers after layers, until you feel satisfied with the outcome. So here I’ve shared my process of creating this abstract landscape painting.

snowy tree painting acrylic with filbert brush step by step

Snowy Tree Painting With A Filbert Brush

Ok so you have painted a snowy pine tree with a flat brush, round brush and may be also with a fan brush… but now you want to find out how to do a snowy tree painting with a filbert brush. That is what we are going to find out in this article.

I haven’t painted many trees with filbert brush in my painting experience of 10 years but over the last few months I started painting with filbert brush and I love it. Mostly because the rounded tip of a filbert brush created beautiful textures without much effort by the artist. And I think that is a really beneficial property of this brush and makes a snowy tree painting lot easier

How To Paint Christmas Tree With Acrylics and Flat Brush in easy steps?

Looking for easy ways on how to paint Christmas tree? Christmas is fast approaching and it is just a perfect time to learn to paint a beautiful Christmas tree. A Christmas tree or a snowy pine tree can be painted using acrylics and any of these 4 types of acrylic brushes – flat brush, filbert brush, fan brush and a round brush.