
Circles of Thought: A Journey from Chaos to Clarity

Creating a junk journal page is a deeply personal and emotional journey, where each layer you add tells a part of your story. In this project, we’ll explore how to transform a blank page into a visually rich and meaningful spread, starting with a simple thought and letting it evolve through a series of creative steps.

Inspired by techniques from BB Henry, I’ve incorporated an emotional element into this process, as I find it essential to infuse my art pages with personal meaning rather than just following techniques. This spread, titled “Circles of Thought: A Journey from Chaos to Clarity,” will guide you through 11 steps that blend artistic techniques with emotional reflection.

We’ll begin by scribbling down the thoughts in your mind, then gradually build layers using stamps, collage, ink, and more, all while considering the emotions each step evokes. By the end, you’ll have a beautifully layered spread that not only looks stunning but also tells a story—your story. Let’s dive in and discover how to bring your thoughts to life on the page.

1. Begin with a Thoughtful Scribble

    • Action: Start with a thought in mind and let it guide your pencil as you scribble on the page.
    • Emotional Pointer: This initial scribble is your way of putting your thoughts into motion. Let the lines capture the essence of what’s on your mind.

2. Stamp Circular Impressions

    • Action: Use a found object and your favorite acrylic color for this spread to stamp circular marks on the page.
    • Emotional Pointer: Choose a color that resonates with the mood of your thought. The circular shapes represent cycles, connections, or the wholeness of your ideas.

3. Highlight with Scribbled Circles

    • Action: Scribble a circle around one of the stamped marks on each page using a black Stabilo All pencil.
    • Emotional Pointer: These scribbled circles draw attention to specific points in your spread. They symbolize focus and clarity within the chaos.

4. Add Vintage Collage

    • Action: Glue a piece of inky vintage collage paper on the other page.
    • Emotional Pointer: The vintage paper adds a sense of history or nostalgia. As you place it, think about the connection between past and present in your current thought.

5. Drip Acrylic Ink

    • Action: Add acrylic ink in a color similar to the one used in step 1, allowing it to drip down the page.
    • Emotional Pointer: The dripping ink represents the flow of emotions or ideas. Let it move naturally, embracing the unpredictability of the process.

6. Detail with White Pen Marks

      • Action: Once dry, make marks with a white pen over the inky area.
      • Emotional Pointer: These white marks bring light and contrast to the spread. They can signify hope, clarity, or the bright side of your thoughts.

7. Express with Asemic Writing

    • Action: Scribble some asemic writing like a mind dump about the thought you started with.
    • Emotional Pointer: This asemic writing is a way to release thoughts without the need for words. It’s an emotional outpouring that’s free from structure.

8. Add a Botanical Focal Point

    • Action: Place a botanical focal point over the writing.
    • Emotional Pointer: The botanical element brings life and growth to your spread. It’s the flourishing of your thoughts, grounding them in something tangible.

9. Fill with Washi Tape Collage

    • Action: If the spread feels empty, add some washi tape collage elements.
    • Emotional Pointer: Use washi tape to fill in gaps or to add final touches that tie everything together. Each piece should complement the emotions and thoughts expressed so far.

10. Conclude with a Quote

    • Action: Write a quote that relates to the thought you started with.
    • Emotional Pointer: The quote serves as the voice of your spread. It’s the message or insight that has emerged from your creative process.

11. Grunge it Up

    • Action: Make marks with a black Stabilo pencil and add water to create a grungy effect.
    • Emotional Pointer: The grunge adds texture and rawness, reflecting the imperfections and struggles that give depth to your thoughts.

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