I’ve been creating a lot of mixed media collage papers and it was getting difficult to keep a track of all of them. So i had to come up with an idea of storage with easy access to each of them.
I created 3 boxes to store 3 types of papers – coffee/tea dyed, deli papers and book pages with categories in each of them.

The process of doing them is so relaxing and fun, and can convert any regular card box into a beautiful storage for collage papers.
I’ll show you the process of creating the smaller box which I use for storing colored book pages, because I didn’t photograph the other 2.

This is an amazon box, which I opened the flaps and added masking tape to hold them together. I used the flaps of this box just to increase the height of my final storage box. For the other 2 I didn’t have to do that.

Then I tore up some pages from an old book, and started gluing them onto the box using some diluted fevicol (white glue).

First I covered the entire inside of the box, and then worked on the outside.

And the box is ready.
It’s such a simple process and yet makes it look so gorgeous.